There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, travelling 24 miles per hour is the same as travelling 24 x 5280 = 126720 feet per hour. There are 3600 seconds in one hour. Therefore, travelling 126720 feet per hour is equivalent to travelling 126720/3600 = 35.2 feet per second.
If you travel 60 mph, you can go 798 miles in 13 hours, 18 minutes. Faster shorter, slower longer.
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 24 miles is equal to 5280 x 24 = 126720 feet.
After 1 hour the slower car will be 30 mph x 1 hour = 30 miles ahead of the faster car. The faster car is travelling 45 mph - 30 mph = 15 mph faster than the slower car and so will cover this 30 miles in 30 miles ÷ 15 mph = 2 hours at which point it will have caught the slower car and start to over take it.
We know that the time traveled is 5 hours, since a car going 10 mph faster travels an extra 50 miles over the same amount of time.Dividing 300 miles by 5 hours, we get 60 mph. Since the car is traveling 10 mph, the car is traveling 70 mph.
2 miles = 126720 inches. YES. 1 inch IS indeed smaller than 2 miles.
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, travelling 24 miles per hour is the same as travelling 24 x 5280 = 126720 feet per hour. There are 3600 seconds in one hour. Therefore, travelling 126720 feet per hour is equivalent to travelling 126720/3600 = 35.2 feet per second.
A mile is equal to 1760 yards. There are 3 feet in one yard. There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, one mile is equal to 1760 x 3 x 12 = 63360 inches. Doubling this gives 63360 x 2 = 126720 inches.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! To convert inches to miles, you simply divide the number of inches by 63,360 (which is the number of inches in a mile). So, 22,647 inches divided by 63,360 inches equals about 0.357 miles. Just imagine all the beautiful landscapes you could paint in that distance!
Yes it is. It is 59 miles per hour, while the other is 52 miles per hour.
Convert to the same units, then simplify: 1 mile = 63360 in → 1 in : 2 miles = 1 in : 2 x 63360 in = 1 : 126720
If you travel 60 mph, you can go 798 miles in 13 hours, 18 minutes. Faster shorter, slower longer.
Alexis because she can walk 5 miles in 4 hours hence in an hour she can walk for 1.25 miles but for Benny, she can walk for 1.33 miles only in an hour.
12mph for first 1.5 hours= 18 miles 14mph for last 3.5 hours=49 miles total=67 miles
8 hours at 50mph the whole time no stopping or getting slower or getting faster.
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 24 miles is equal to 5280 x 24 = 126720 feet.
5 hours at 50 mph Faster, shorter Slower, longer