320/302 = 160/151nothing lower as 151 is a prime number
302 = 21 x 1511
7 is a prime number!
167 is a prime number.
109 is a prime number.
320/302 = 160/151nothing lower as 151 is a prime number
2 x 3 x 5 = 302, 3, and 5
2 x 151= 302.
302 = 21 * 1511
302 /\ 2x1512 and 151 are prime numbers.
302 = 21 x 1511
302 = 2 x 151. That's it.
Well, darling, 302 is a prime number, so the only way to multiply two numbers to get 302 is 1 and 302. So, technically, 1 times 302 equals 302. But hey, math is all about breaking the rules, so if you want to get creative, go ahead and mix it up a bit!
10 minus 302 is -292
302 gold, 302 silver, 302 bronze
To convert the improper fraction 302/3 to a mixed number, you divide the numerator (302) by the denominator (3). This gives you a quotient of 100 with a remainder of 2. Therefore, the mixed number is 100 2/3.