It is but depending on where you live the moneys can go farther then other places ... and also it would depend on the size of your family ...
Yes, It's a good amount of money ! :)
they got alot of money if they are very good it depends how good they are at doing their job i hope this helps
Customer satisfaction has a big impact on the bottom line. People who call in and get bad service are dissatisfied, and many surveys show that dissatisfied customers do not usually call the company to complain - they complain to their neighbors and on the internet. That can seriously damage a company's reputation and sales. On the other hand, companies really really hate to waste money. They want to spend as little as possible on customer support, as it does not bring in revenue, usually. If the customer has a paid subscription, that money is already paid, so they don't have anything more to sell. If they support comes free with the product, again- the company already has the money, so anything they spend on support comes out of their bottom line. So how will a company know how much service to provide? How long is too long to wait? How much skill do the support peole need? How good does must the language skills of the support staff be? The best way to monitor is to ask the customer directly. Also, of course, by analyzing support calls, the engineers can see what areas of the product are causing problems.
money is power if you like it for not. that doesn't mean that it is right. If you have money (power) and you do good things with it then it is right, but if you have money (power) and you don't do good stuff with it then it's not right. it is right the money equals power if you do the right thing with it. Bill gates is doing good things with his money because he is donateing it, but others (not going to mention any names) aren't doing anything with their money to help others out, so they don't deserve the power, so there it isn't right.
Absolutely, if you keep yourself booked you can make an excellent living.
A cable job is an excellent job to have. People that work there make good money and have great benefits. However, I do not know what size family you have and your spending habits.
just saying but every little bit counts.... You need money in order to support your family and yourself. Earning any amount of cash will only do more good for you, your family, and your futures.
i dont personally but i guess you build self defence and maybe good money hope this helps :)
this is good phone with little money but no 3G support
You can help her out by being the best you can be. Get good grades. Here's the deal. Dad grew up dirt poor, then became a doctor. He was able to support his mom & family.
so you can support yourself. Unless you'd like to be a bum :D
for me its a BIG NO,you cant do what you want because of loss of money
Loan contracts are always a good idea, even when loaning money to family. A written contract makes it clear on how much money was borrowed as well as a repayment plan and date.
Yes, if you can get one. YES! Because you get paid money and also only if your into them also you can feed your family with the money!
The Toyota Camry is a good family car as it provides safety, comfort, good gas mileage, attractive styling, good value for the money, and a reliable source of transportation.
the main role is making a warm family and raising good children and support of man. family has very high importance in Islam. also woman can have any job