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No, its colder. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 0 degrees Celsius, so 5 degrees Celsius would be hotter.

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Q: Is 32 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than 5 degrees Celsius?
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Is 122 hotter in Celsius or Fahrenheit?

122 degrees Fahrenheit is hotter than 122 degrees Celsius.

What is hotter 100 degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius?

Degrees Celsius are always 'hotter' than degrees Fahrenheit: 100ºC = 212.00ºF

Is 50 degrees hotter on a celsius or Fahrenheit?

50 is much hotter in Celsius than Fahrenheit.

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97 degrees Celsius is hotter than 97 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which is hotter 100 degrees of Celsius or 100 degrees of Fahrenheit?

100 degrees Celsius is hotter than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 100 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 50 hotter on a Celsius or a Fahrenheit scale?

50 degrees Celsius is hotter than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 59 Celsius cooler than 92 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, is Celsius is hotter than 92 degrees Fahrenheit

Which is hotter 92 degrees Celsius or 92 degrees Fahrenheit?

Since Celsius degrees are larger than Fahrenheit degrees, above -40 degrees (where the scales coincide) any number in Celsius will be hotter than the corresponding number in Fahrenheit.

Is 50 degrees hotter on a Celsius or Fahrenheit scale?

50 C is hotter than 50 F.Minus 40 C and minus 40 F are the same temperature.Below minus 40, any C is colder than the same F.Above minus 40, any C is hotter than the same F.

What is hotter Celsius or Fairenhight?

In terms of numbers, the same temperature will appear higher in Fahrenheit than in Celsius. For example, a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit is hotter than 37.8 degrees Celsius.

Is Celsius hotter?

Celsius and Fahrenheit are two different temperature scales. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), so Celsius is hotter than Fahrenheit in this context. However, both scales can be used to measure temperature accurately.

Is one degree celsius hotter than 1 degree Fahrenheit?

Yes, one degree Celsius is equivalent to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that one degree Celsius is hotter than one degree Fahrenheit.