3 over 32 is in lowest terms.
No, 32/44 is not in lowest terms.
32 over 39 can not be reduced, it is already in lowest/simplest terms
16/32 in lowest terms is 1/2.
3 over 32 is in lowest terms.
No, 32/44 is not in lowest terms.
32 over 15 is equal to 2 and 2 over 15 but other than that it is in its lowest terms.
32 over 39 can not be reduced, it is already in lowest/simplest terms
16/32 in lowest terms is 1/2.
The GCF of 32 and 12 is 4. Take 4 out of both of them. Get 8/3
32/6 in lowest terms is 16/3.
No because 32/300 is 8/75 in its lowest terms
It is: 12/32 = 3/8 in its lowest terms
32/40 = 4/5