It is a multiple of 336.
no 336 is aa square number
24 times 14 equals 336 48 times 7 equals 336 there is an infinite number of ways to get to 336. definitely when you include imaginary numbers
336 is not Perfect.
It is a multiple of 336.
no 336 is aa square number
336, 672, 1008, 1344 +336 . . .
How about: 336
Before an answer can be given, the correct model number needs to be known, as there are many variations of the Marlin Model 336. You will need to check the barrel, receiver and tang of the gun for any additional information, on this particular Model 336. Also, the complete serial number is necessary and percentage of wear on the blued metal parts and the percentage of wear on the buttstock and forearm.
24 times 14 equals 336 48 times 7 equals 336 there is an infinite number of ways to get to 336. definitely when you include imaginary numbers
Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, and are not divisible by 2. Since 336 is divisible by 2, (336/2 = 168) it is an even number.
336 , INV, x^3 = 6.952 in3