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Q: Is 35.5 low temperature for an adult?
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What does it mean when temperature is 35.3 on an adult?

A temperature of 35.3 degrees Celsius in an adult is considered lower than the normal body temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius. It may indicate hypothermia or an underlying medical condition. It is important to seek medical attention if this temperature persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

Is 95.9 to low in an adult?

Try explaining your question better. Are you implying temperature?

Is 100.4 too high of a temperature for adult?

it would be considered a "low grade" temp.

What is an unsafe temperature for an adult?

what is an unsafe temperature for an adult?

What is a Remington model 740 308 caliber worth?

$355 low end to $780

What body temperature is 35.2C?

A body temperature of 35.2°C is considered below the normal range for a human adult. It is indicative of hypothermia or a low-grade fever. It is important to monitor this temperature and seek medical advice if necessary.

Can an adult have a temperature of 109 degrees and go home?

A temperature of 109 degrees Fahrenheit is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention as it can be life-threatening. It is not safe for an individual to go home with such a high fever.

What keeps low the temperature in refrigerator?

The temperature in a refrigerator is kept low by a compressor that continuously circulates refrigerant gas through the system. As the refrigerant gas moves through the coils, it absorbs heat from inside the refrigerator, keeping the temperature low. This process is regulated by a thermostat that controls when the compressor turns on and off to maintain the desired temperature.

If a solution has a temperature of 355K what is the temperature in Degree Celsius?

355K is equal to 81.85°C. To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, you simply subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin temperature.

If the temperature is low?

If the temperature is low , the air will feel cold.

What is 35 percent of 355?

35% of 355= 35% * 355= 0.35 * 355= 124.25

What is 355 percent to a decimal?
