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No, it is an integer.

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Q: Is 38 a repeating decimal
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What is 3.888888888888889 in fraction form?

If that is a rounded repeating decimal then it is 38/9. If that is a terminating decimal then it is 3888888888888889/1000000000000000

How do you Convert 22 degrees and 38 minutes to a decimal degree?

60 minutes in a degree. 38/60 = 0.63333 repeating 22.63 degrees

Is 125 a repeating decimal?

No, 125 is not a repeating decimal. A repeating decimal is a decimal number that has a repeating pattern of digits after the decimal point. In the case of 125, it is a whole number and does not have any decimal places or repeating patterns. It can be written as 125.0000, but it is still a non-repeating decimal.

What is 2.53333333333 as a fraction?

To convert the decimal 2.53333333333 to a fraction, we first identify the repeating decimal pattern, which is 0.53333333333. This repeating decimal can be represented as 53/99, where the numerator is the repeating part (53) and the denominator is the number of nines equal to the length of the repeating part. Therefore, 2.53333333333 as a fraction is 2 53/99.

Is 33 a repeating decimal?

No, 33 is an integer. 0.3333 repeating is a repeating decimal.

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0.370 repeating is a decimal.

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0.45 repeating is a decimal!

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4.23 repeating is a decimal.

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3.66 repeating is a decimal.