Convert everything to a single unit, then compare. Reminder: 1 liter = 1000 milliliters.
7000 mL
3.5 tons is 7000 pounds. 6000 pounds is 3 tons.
1 liter = 1,000 ml 2 liters = 2,000 ml 3 liters = 3,000 ml . . 6 liters = 6,000 ml 6.3 liters = 6,300 ml That's more than 63 ml. 63 ml = 0.063 of one liter
Yes. 3.5 tons is 7,500 pounds. (2,000 pounds per ton).
greater, because 3 1/2 tons is 7000 pounds
6000 mL is greater than 5 L6000 mL = 6 L > 5 L
Yes. 4000 mL is greater than 3 L4000 mL = 4 L > 3 L
6000 pounds is equal to 3 tons
4 litres = 4000 mL3000 mL = 3 litresTherefore, 4 L is greater than 3000 mL
No, 3 tons is equal to 6000 lbs, so it is greater than 5999 lbs.
No 3 L = 3000 ml
1 ton is 32,000 ounces, so 3 tons is most likely more than 6,000 of them.
7000 mL
6000/60 = 600/6 = 100 times
3.5 tons is 7000 pounds. 6000 pounds is 3 tons.
1 liter = 1,000 ml 2 liters = 2,000 ml 3 liters = 3,000 ml . . 6 liters = 6,000 ml 6.3 liters = 6,300 ml That's more than 63 ml. 63 ml = 0.063 of one liter