No, 3/4 is smaller than 17/24. To compare fractions, you can convert both fractions to have a common denominator (in this case, 24) and then compare the numerators. In this case, 3/4 is equivalent to 18/24, so it is smaller than 17/24.
34 is not a fraction, neither is 45. but 3/4 is smaller than 4/5 and 1/34 is smaller than 1/45 and 0.34 is smaller than 0.45...
2/3 is Less than 3/4
No. 3/4 would be 6/8, which is smaller than 7/8.
No 14 is very much smaller than 416.
1/8 is smaller than 3/4.
There are infinite numbers like this but 3 over 5, 3 over 6 and 3 over 7 are smaller than 3 over 4 and bigger than 3 over 8.
0.45 is smaller than 3/4 - expressed as a decimal, 3/4 is equal to 0.75.
3/4 is .75 while 7/9 is .77777 repeating. Therefore 3/4 is smaller.
There is no specific name.-4 is smaller than -3 and (-4)/(-3) = 4/3 is a positive improper fraction.-4 is smaller than 3 and (-4)/3 = -4/3 is a negative improper fraction.-2 is smaller than 3 and (-2)/3 = -2/3 is a negative proper fraction.3 is smaller than 4 and 3/4 is a positive proper fraction.Thus, the fraction can be negative or positive, proper or improper.
2/5 is smaller than 2/4
2/9 is smaller than 4/15
Because there is a smaller number (least) than 32 (4 x 8). The LCD is 8.
No, 3/4 is smaller than 17/24. To compare fractions, you can convert both fractions to have a common denominator (in this case, 24) and then compare the numerators. In this case, 3/4 is equivalent to 18/24, so it is smaller than 17/24.
3 and 2/3 is the same as 3 and 4/6.