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Q: Is 3er grade the same as year 3?
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What grade will you be in if you were held back in 3?

The same grade as you are in. (:

Is primary 3 grade 3?

yes ! because grade 3 and primary 3 is the same!

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What is the difference between school years and grades?

American Grades are on left, English Years are on right. Preschool - Playgroup Year 1 Pre-Kindergarten - Playgroup Year 2 Kindergarten - Year 1 Grade 1 - Year 2 Grade 2 - Year 3 Grade 3 - Year 4 Grade 4 - Year 5 Grade 5 - Year 6 Grade 6 - Year 7 (Start of High School for English) Grade 7 - Year 8 (Start of Middle School for Americans) Grade 8 - Year 9 Grade 9 - Year 10 (Start of High School for Americans) Grade 10 - Year 11 Grade 11 - Year 12 (Start of College for English.) Grade 12 - Year 13 University for English (optional) I hope this helped. :)

What is the grade for an eight year old?

They will be in Grade 3 . Grade 1 : 6 Grade 2 : 7 Grade 3 : 8 Grade 4 : 9 Grade 5 : 10 Grade 6 : 11 Grade 7 : 12 Grade 8 : 13 Grade 9 : 14 Grade 10 : 15 and so on.

How to be cool in year 3?

Dont try to be col in grade 3. And learn your abc's

How do you say year 3 in spanish?

third grade... tercero third year... tercer ano

What is the value of a 1865 us 3 cent piece?

There are 2 types of 3 cent pieces dated 1865. A small (14mm) silver coin and a dime sized nickel 3 cent coin. The silver for that year is $325.00 in the low grade of G-4, the nickel 3 cent coin is $18.00 in the same grade. Which type do you have?

First grade of school?

In England we don't have 'grades' we call them 'years'. our first school is called 'Primary School' our first year is: 'reception' then: 'year 1' 'year 2' 'year 3' * 'year 4' 'year 5' 'year 6 * or we can have 'Junior School' which starts at 'year 3' and then ends at 'year 6' and then we move to 'Secondary/High School' which is: 'year 7' 'year 8' 'year 9' 'year 10' 'year 11' Next is sixth form or collage: 'year 12' 'year 13' lastly if you did sixth form you can go to university for up to 6 years (it depends on what you are studying).

Which is correct Grade 3 or grade 3 when talking about school?

grade 3

What is gifted range for third grade reading score on MAP test?

Students that post scores 3 or more grade level above may be considered gifted, in the case of grade 3 reading the middle of the year average is 197, a gifted reader in grade 3 would be scoring 215 and above