

Is 4.66 rbc normal

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Is 4.66 rbc normal
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What is normal red cell count in urine?

The normal RBC count in urine is - 4 RBC/HPF RBC -red blood corpuscle HPF - high power field

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Is rbc 4-10 hpf normal?

Yes, the presence of 4-10 red blood cells (RBCs) per high-power field (hpf) in a urine sample is considered normal. It is within the acceptable range and may vary slightly depending on factors like hydration, exercise, or recent infection. If there are any associated symptoms or if the RBC count is significantly higher, further evaluation may be needed.

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RBC 5.67 is little bit high. The normal value of RBC is between 3-5.

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What is 14 percent of 466?

14% of 466 = 14% * 466 = 0.14 * 466 = 65.24

What if your hemoglobin level is 8 but RBC count is normal 4.49 is this anemia or worse?

normal range of Hb for male=13-18g% normal range of Hb for female=11-15g% with given information the condition is "hypochromic anemia", plus the basic requisite to be termed as anemia is lowered hb% not decreased RBC count.

What is Dysmorphic RBC?

1.small rbc 2.twister rbc 3.bite rbc 4.acanthocyte rbc 5.donat rbc 6.mikey mouse rbc

Why do RBC do not burst inside human body?

You have the osmolarity or the osmolality of the blood is equal to the RBC in your blood. That is about 154 millimole or milliosmole, with only slight variation, depending of the water consumption. So the RBC do not burst in your body. They will not burst either, in isotonic or human normal saline. That means in 0.9 % saline solution.

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1, 2, 233, 466

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4357345745873457 + 466 = 4357345745873923

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