2 is NOT divisible by 3.
402 is divisible by 2.402 is divisible by 2.402 is divisible by 2.402 is divisible by 2.
The way to know if a number is divisible by 3 is if its digit sum adds up to a number that is divisible by 3 (3, 6 or 9). The way to know if a number is divisible by 2 is if that number is even. That is, a number is divisible by two if the units are 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. A number is divisible by 6 if it meets both these rules. In this case, 402 has the digit sum 6, and the units value is 2. Therefore, we can say that 402 is divisible by 6.
1206 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 67, 134, 201, 402, 603, 1206
The whole-number factors of 804 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 67, 134, 201, 268, 402, and 804.
2 is NOT divisible by 3.
402 is divisible by 2.402 is divisible by 2.402 is divisible by 2.402 is divisible by 2.
The way to know if a number is divisible by 3 is if its digit sum adds up to a number that is divisible by 3 (3, 6 or 9). The way to know if a number is divisible by 2 is if that number is even. That is, a number is divisible by two if the units are 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. A number is divisible by 6 if it meets both these rules. In this case, 402 has the digit sum 6, and the units value is 2. Therefore, we can say that 402 is divisible by 6.
All multiples of 402, which is an infinite number.
1206 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 67, 134, 201, 402, 603, 1206
The whole-number factors of 804 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 67, 134, 201, 268, 402, and 804.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 67, 134, 201, 268, 402, 804.
1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 67, 134, 201, 402, 603, 1206.
2 , 67 & 134.
402. It is the first number after 400 for which the digital root (the sum of its digits) is divisible by 3. The digital root being divisible by 3 is a test for divisibility by 3.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 67, 134, 201, 268, 402, 804.
Yes, 402/3 = 134.