43 is the only prime number in that list; 33 and 63 are both divisible by 3.
43 (the other 3 are divisible by 3)
43 is a prime number.
43 is prime.
43 is a prime number and the next prime number after it is 47
43 is the prime number.
43 is the only prime number in that list; 33 and 63 are both divisible by 3.
33 has the factors ,3, & '11' ; it is composite 43 has no factors ; it is a prime number 63 has the factors 3,7,9,21 ; it is composite.
43 (the other 3 are divisible by 3)
43 is - 33 is not (it's divisible by 11)
A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite. 43 is a prime number.
43 is a prime number.
43 is a prime number.
43 is prime.
Yes, 43 is a prime number.Because there are no factors for 43.There are only 1 and itself(43)!Yes.
43 is prime.