447 is not a Prime number. Other than 1 and itself, the positive integer factors of 447 are 3 and 149.
It is composite, as its factors are: 1, 3, 9, 149, 447, 1341.
For all numbers 0-100 447 can be divided by 3 leaving you with 149. It can be divided by every other number, the answer is just going to be a decimil.
447 is CDXLVII
7 is a prime number!
447 = 3 × 149
No, 447 is composite. Reason: 3 x 149 = 447.
3 x 149 = 447
It is composite, as its factors are: 1, 3, 9, 149, 447, 1341.
The number 447 is "four hundred forty-seven."
447 = 547 - 100
+447 is the beginning of a mobile (cell) phone number registered in the UK.
it is my number
This is a mobile (cell) phone number.
It is a composite Because 477 is divisible by 3 and because of that.... it makes it a composite because it is divisible by 1 and 3 PS I am just an ordinary 6th grade girl :)