The nearest whole number is 46
It is: 46
It is 46.
It is divisible, but not a whole number.
46 : 83
It can be, but if you are looking for a whole-number answer, such as 3, then 6 is the divisor of 18.
The nearest whole number is 46
There are no such numbers. 46 is a whole number and so can lie on only one whole number.
45.64 to the nearest whole number is 46
45.50 rounded to the nearest whole number is 46
45.7001 rounded to the nearest whole number is 46
It is: 46
It is 46.
It is divisible, but not a whole number.
46 in decimal form is simply 46. Decimals are numbers that include a decimal point, which separates the whole number part from the fractional part. In this case, 46 is a whole number, so it remains the same in decimal form.
Yes, it is divisible by 4, but it will not be a whole number. 46/4=11.5
Rounded to the nearest whole number 46