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For numbers below 100, just see whether you can divide by 2, 3, 5, and 7. If you can't, it is a primer. For larger numbers, you may have to try more factors.

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Q: Is 47 a prime
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Is 47 a prime or composite or neither?

It is a prime.

Is 47 prime or compsite?

47 is prime.

What is 47 as a product of prime factor?

47 as a product of prime factors is: 47. [47 is a prime number, so it only has itself as a prime factor - note 1 is NOT a prime number.]

Is 47 a prime or composite number?

primeprime47 is prime. It is only evenly divisible by itself and one.A primeprime

Is 47 prime or compostite?

47 is a prime number.

Is 47 a prime composite or square?

47 is prime.

What is the factors of 47?

47 is a prime number, therefore the factors of 47 are 1 and 47.

Are 47 and 63 prime?

47 is a prime number - but 63 is not a prime number.

What are the prime factorization of 47?

47 is already prime. The factors are 1 and 47.

Is 47 prime or compistite?

47 is the 15th prime number.

Determinewhichof thesewhole number are prime 47?

47 is prime.

Is the number 47 prime composite or neither?

47 is prime