

Is 47 an even number

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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Nuh-uh. 47 is an odd number.

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Q: Is 47 an even number
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Is the number 47 even?

No. 47 is odd.

Does 2 go into 47?

no because 2 is an even number and 47 isn't

In how many ways can 47 be written as the sum of two prime numbers?

It cannot be. If 47 is the sum of two prime numbers, one must be an even number and one must be an odd number, because that is the only way to have a sum that is an odd number, such as 47. The only even prime number is 2. The number that with 2 will have a sum of 47 is 45. However, 45 is not a prime number. Therefore, there are not two prime numbers that have a sum of 47.

Which number is prime 47 61 112?

There are listed two prime numbers, 47 and 61. 112 is not a prime number since it is an even number and can be divided by 2.

What does 58 plus 47 equal106?

58 + 47 = 105 ...not 106(You can see that the sum is wrong because you have an even number + an odd number, which always makes an odd number...and 106 is not an odd number)

Is 94 a odd number?

The number 94 is not an odd number, it is an even number. It can be divided evenly in half. 94/2 = 47.

What number times what get you 47?

It is: 1 times 47 = 47 which is a prime number

Is 47 a trinagular number?

47 is not a triangular number but it is a prime number

Is 47 composite number?

47 is a prime number because there are only 1 and 47

What equals 47 in multiplication?

1 x 47 and 47 x 1 (47 is a prime number).

It is greater than 47 It has a 4 in the tens place It is an even number?

The only number that satisfies all three of these conditions is 48.

What is divisible by 47?

All multiples of 47, which is an infinite number.