10 5/8 - 4/7 Convert to Improper Fractions. 85/8 - 4/7 Bring to a common denominator, with equivalent numerators. [85(7) - 4(8)] / (8 x 7) => [595 - 32] / 56 => 563/56 => 10 3/56 The answer!!!!!
8/14, 16/28 and 32/56
An equivalent fraction for 56 over 8 could be 7 over 1. It could also be 28 over 4. Ultimately the answer is simply 7.
Yes and it is: 32/56 = 4/7
To find the product of 4 over 7 (4/7) and 56, you simply multiply the two numbers together. This can be done by multiplying the numerators (4 * 56) and the denominators (7 * 1) separately. Therefore, the product of 4/7 and 56 is (4 * 56) over (7 * 1), which simplifies to 224 over 7 or 32.
10 5/8 - 4/7 Convert to Improper Fractions. 85/8 - 4/7 Bring to a common denominator, with equivalent numerators. [85(7) - 4(8)] / (8 x 7) => [595 - 32] / 56 => 563/56 => 10 3/56 The answer!!!!!
8/14, 16/28 and 32/56
An equivalent fraction for 56 over 8 could be 7 over 1. It could also be 28 over 4. Ultimately the answer is simply 7.
4/7 of 56 = 32
16/32 is equivalent to 2/4 or 1/2
4 over 8 and 2 over 4