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NO!!! 5.1 is RATIONAL , because the ',1' moiety can be converted to a quotient(fraction).

Irrational Numbers are those were the decimals go to infinity AND the decimal digits are not in any regular order. More formally the decimal cannot be converted into a RATIO/QUOTIENT/FRACTION/

You are probably given 'pi ' = 3.14 in school . However 'pi' is irrational because the number is 3.141592654.... (The dots indicate mathemtically that it goes to infinity.

Supa-Dupa computers have calculated 'pi' to 50 billion places are still going.

Other irrational numbers are 'sqrt(2) = 1.414213562....

sqrt(3) = 1.7320508....


The square roots of Prime Numbers are Irrational.

However. something like 4.333333.... is NOT irrational nor 43.434343.... be cause it can be converted into a fraction. By the above statement the decimals are in a regular order.

So treat all numbers are RATIONAL, except those by the above rule.

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No because it can be expressed as a fraction

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