There are no perfect squares that add, multiply or divide to give 55. However, 82 - 32 = 55 also 282 - 272 = 55.
55*55 = 3025 or (-55)*(-55) = 3025 which makes 3025 the square of the integers ±55, and thus a perfect square.
55 is not a prime number because you can do 5*11=55. The definition of a prime number is a number that has only the factors of 1 and itself. Because 55 has 1*55-55 AND 5*11=55 it is not a prime number. Hope that helps!!
55 is not a perfect square, so the simplest expression (without rounding) is the square root of 55 itself.
The sum of the 1st perfect number and 2nd perfect number is. . . 34!
There are no perfect squares that add, multiply or divide to give 55. However, 82 - 32 = 55 also 282 - 272 = 55.
55*55 = 3025 or (-55)*(-55) = 3025 which makes 3025 the square of the integers ±55, and thus a perfect square.
Oh, dude, to make 3000 a perfect square, you'd need to add the square of the nearest whole number to its square root, which is 55. So, the least number you'd have to add is 55 squared, which is 3025. But hey, who's counting, right?
55 is not a prime number because you can do 5*11=55. The definition of a prime number is a number that has only the factors of 1 and itself. Because 55 has 1*55-55 AND 5*11=55 it is not a prime number. Hope that helps!!
55 is not a perfect square, so the simplest expression (without rounding) is the square root of 55 itself.
The sum of the 1st perfect number and 2nd perfect number is. . . 34!
55 is deficient.
Answer 144 which is F(12) Reason 55 and 89 are the 10th and 11th Fibonacci numbers, If we add these we have 144 which is the 12 Fibonacci number and is a perfect square. I am using F(0) as the 0 Fibonacci number and F(1) as the first.
Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".
55 is the largest triangular number in the Fibonacci sequence. 55 is a popular speed limit 55 is a odd
If by 'perfect number' you mean 'perfect SQUARE', then yes. 49 is an odd number and a perfect square.
496 is the third perfect number and 8128 is the fourth perfect number.