Answer = No.
Explanation 1:
5m is larger. It is nearly 10 times as large.
A millimetre is 1/1000 of a metre. "Milli" means 1 thousandth. Therefore 5000mm would equal 5 metres. 508 is less than 5,000.
5000 cm = 50m not 5m
Nope... 5000cm is TEN TIMES the distance of 5m !
It is greater because 5000cm = 50m
Area of a Rectangle = Length x Width 5m x 5m = 25m2 Assuming that the room is rectangular and each dimension (width/height) are at least 5m then yes; if either dimension is less than 5m, it will not fit even tho the area of the rug is less than the area of the room.
5000cm = 50m and hence is greater than 5m.
508mm is bigger than 5cm.
5000 cm = 50m not 5m
Nope... 5000cm is TEN TIMES the distance of 5m !
Yes, it is.
It is greater because 5000cm = 50m
Not alot. Differs each time but it will be less than 5m
Area of a Rectangle = Length x Width 5m x 5m = 25m2 Assuming that the room is rectangular and each dimension (width/height) are at least 5m then yes; if either dimension is less than 5m, it will not fit even tho the area of the rug is less than the area of the room.
5000cm = 50m and hence is greater than 5m.
5000 cm is greater than 5 m5000 cm > 5 m
600 km is greater than 5 m600 km > 5 m
600km is much larger than 5m. In fact, 600km is equal to 600,000m.