There are 60 weeks in 420 days.
420 days is 60 weeks.
There are 420 days in 60 weeks.
420 mm is greater than 4.2 cm
64 weeks
There are 60 weeks in 420 days.
420 days is 60 weeks.
There are 420 days in 60 weeks.
420 mm is greater than 4.2 cm
64 weeks
420 mm is equal to 42 cm, since 1 cm is equivalent to 10 mm.
.42 is equal to .420.
420 is greater in value than 402. This is due to the fact that a digit in the tens place is ten times as great as a digit in the ones place.
Just divide 4.20 by 42, to find out.
One week is equal to 24 x 7 = 168 hours. Therefore, 420 hours is equal to 420/168 = 2.5 weeks.