To find the prime numbers between 65 and 75, try dividing each number by 2, 3, 5, and 7. If there is a remainder after division by any of those divisors, the is prime; if there are no remainders, the number is composite.
No 65 is not prime since it has factors of 1 and 65 or 1*65=65 and 5 and 13 or 5*13=65. Prime numbers have only 1 and that number as its factors.
65 and 77
65 and 77
Yes , 65 Is Composite (:
It is a composite number.
Composite. Because 65 can be divided by 5. So factors could be 1,65,13,5 etc.
compositeSixty-five is a composite number because it is divisible by five. If a number can be divide by another one, then that number is composite. Numbers like 3, 5, 7, and 11 are all prime numbers because they cannot be divided by any other number.65 is composite, as is any number of 2 or more digits ending in 5.
65 = 13*5, 13 and 5 are prime numbers
If a number has any other factors besides ' 1 ' and itself. then it's composite. The factors of 65 are 1, 5, 13, and 65. So it's composite. Do you see that ' 5 ' on the end of 65 ? Right there, no matter what comes before it, that ' 5 ' on the end tells you that a number is divisible by 5, so it can't be a prime.
both composite
65, 77
In addition to itself and '1', it's also divisible by 5 and 13, so it's composite.
Is 65 prime or composite?
43 is prime but 65 isn't becaus it can be divided by 5 and 13
To find the prime numbers between 65 and 75, try dividing each number by 2, 3, 5, and 7. If there is a remainder after division by any of those divisors, the is prime; if there are no remainders, the number is composite.
The only composite number that is a factor of 65 is 65 itself.