67 is a Prime number. A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are every other positive integer except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite.
4, composite. 67, prime.
67 is prime. There's no such thing as a "prime composite number".
93674731 = 19*1481*3329 and so it is a composite number.
67 is a prime number but 57 and 91 are both composite numbers
No, it is a prime number.
4, composite. 67, prime.
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> bool is_prime (unsigned num) { if (num<2) // 0 and 1 are composite return false; if (!(num%2)) // 2 is the only even prime return num==2; const unsigned max_div = sqrt (num) + 1; for (unsigned div=3; div<max_div; div+=2) { if (!(num%div)) // the number is composite return false; } // if we get this far, the number is prime return true; } int main (void) { unsigned num; printf ("Enter a positive integer: "); scanf ("%u", &num); printf ("\n%u is %s\n", num, is_prime (num) ? "prime" : "composite"); return 0; }
67 is prime. There's no such thing as a "prime composite number".
67 is a Prime Number.
no it is not a composite number.
67 is a prime number.
67 is a prime number.
93674731 = 19*1481*3329 and so it is a composite number.
67 is a prime number but 57 and 91 are both composite numbers
84 and 91 are composite numbers 67 and 73 are prime numbers
#include<iostream> bool is_composite (const size_t); bool is_prime (const size_t); int main() { for (size_t num=1; num<=10; ++num) if (is_composite (num)) std::cout << num << " is composite\n"; } bool is_composite (const size_t num) { if (num < 4U) return false; return !is_prime (num); } bool is_prime (const size_t num) { const size_t two = 2U; if (num < two) return false; if (!(num % two)) return num == two; const size_t max = static_cast<size_t>(sqrt (static_cast<double>(num))); for (size_t div = 3U; div <= max; div += two) if (!(num % div)) return false; return true; }