As the denominators (bottom numbers) are the same, the numerators (top numbers) can be compared and the larger number is the larger fraction. 6 is greater than 5 thus 6/10 is greater than 5/10.
6 millimeters is larger
Yes, it is. It is larger by 1/6.
5/6 is larger than 2/3
5/6 = 15/18
5/6 = 0.83333333333333333333333333333333 7/8 = 0.875 7/8 is larger
5/6 is less than 100%
4/5, 5/6, 6/7 etc etc
The diameter of the bar. #6 is 1/8" larger than the #5.
No. If you convert both to 15ths, 2/5 is 6/15, while 1/3 is 5/15. So 2/5 is larger. Another way to tell which fraction is larger is to cross-multiply. The fraction with the numerator which gives the larger product when multiplied by the other denominator is the larger one. So if you multiply the 2 from 2/5 with the 3 from 1/3, you get 6. If you multiply the 1 from 1/3 with the 5 from 2/5, you get five. So 6 is larger than 5, meaning that 2/5 is larger.
Written as decimals, .005 is larger than .000005 so the answer is larger.