70 equals 70, and it is not prime.70 equals 70, and it is not prime.70 equals 70, and it is not prime.70 equals 70, and it is not prime.
The prime numbers (factors) of 70 are: 2,5,7
The prime numbers (factors) of 70 are: 2,5,7
Greatest Prime Factor of 70The prime factorization of 70 is 2 X 5 X 7, so the greatest prime factor in the prime factorization of 70 is 7.
Any non-zero product of 70 must be divisible by 70 and so it cannot be a prime.
70 equals 70, and it is not prime.70 equals 70, and it is not prime.70 equals 70, and it is not prime.70 equals 70, and it is not prime.
The prime numbers (factors) of 70 are: 2,5,7
The prime numbers (factors) of 70 are: 2,5,7
73 is a prime number but 70 is not. 70 is a multiple of: 2, 5, 7, 10, 14 and 35 (as well as 1 and 70); the prime factorization of 70 is 2 × 5 × 7.
The prime numbers (factors) of 70 are: 2,5,7
Greatest Prime Factor of 70The prime factorization of 70 is 2 X 5 X 7, so the greatest prime factor in the prime factorization of 70 is 7.
Any non-zero product of 70 must be divisible by 70 and so it cannot be a prime.
Three:The Prime Factors of 70 are 2, 5, 7.
The three prime factors of 70 are 2, 5 and 7.
The prime factors of 18 are 2, 3, and 3. The prime factors of 70 are 2, 5, and 7. The prime factors that 18 and 70 have in common are a single 2.
70 is a Composite Number.