Since 74 is an even number, it can be divided by 2 without getting a remainder. Therefore, it is a composite number.
74 is even.
72*74 = 5328
The answer is 74, 100% of 74 = 74.
No It is not a prime number. There are two ways you can tell its not prime. First of all, their is only one even number that is prime, and the number would be 2. Second, 74 is a composite number, therefor it cannot be prime. Hope it helps you a bit :)
74 is an even number. It is an even number because one looks at the second digit. If you know that 2, 4, 6, and 8 are even, they you can also find out that 74 is even by constantly dividing it down to a single digit.
Yes. 74.
Since 74 is an even number, it can be divided by 2 without getting a remainder. Therefore, it is a composite number.
74 is even.
74 isn't prime and cannot be a twin prime factor. The only even prime number is 2.
72*74 = 5328
The answer is 74, 100% of 74 = 74.
No It is not a prime number. There are two ways you can tell its not prime. First of all, their is only one even number that is prime, and the number would be 2. Second, 74 is a composite number, therefor it cannot be prime. Hope it helps you a bit :)
74 is a rational number.
74 = 1001010
This question has an infinite number of answers. For example, 74/1 = 74 and is a fraction 148/2 also equals 74 as does 7400/100 Treat 74 as your numerator and multiply it by any number, the number you multiplied 74 by is your denominator. 74/1 * x/x = 74 ; where x is any number