I think you are talking about three numbers 743, 142, and 986425. If the least significant digit in a number is odd, the number is odd. If the least significant digit in a number is even, the number is even. You can also divide the number by 2 and if two goes into the number evenly without a remainder then the number is even. If there is a remainder, the number is odd.
There are no two consecutive whole numbers that sum to 142.With two consecutive whole numbers, one is even and the other odd, and their sum will be odd, but 142 is even.Two consecutive even numbers that sum to 142 are 70 and 72.
753 is not divisible by 35. The factors of 753 are 1, 3, 251, 753.
The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.The Romans date the founding of their city at 753 BC. April 21, 753 BC to be exact.
It is: 753 = DCCLIII
A 753-gon.
159 + 753 = 912
In order to get three prime numbers to add up to an even number, one of them will have to be even. The only even prime number is 2.144 - 2 = 142.You need to find 2 prime numbers that can add up to 142. 71 is prime and added to itself will be 142, but that won't give you three different prime numbers.Use a list of prime numbers and subtract each prime that is greater than 71 (fewer than primes less than 71) from 142 to see if the difference is another prime:142 - 73 = 69 (not prime)142 - 79 = 63 (not prime)142 - 83 = 59 (prime)142 - 89 = 53 (prime)142 - 97 = 45 (not prime)142 - 101 = 41 (prime)142 - 103 = 39 (not prime)142 - 107 = 35 (not prime)142 - 109 = 33 (not prime)142 - 113 = 29 (prime)142 - 127 = 15 (not prime)142 - 131 = 11 (prime)142 - 137 = 5 (prime)142 - 139 = 3 (prime)You end up with 7 sets of 3 prime numbers that add up to 144:2, 59, 832, 53, 892, 41, 1012, 29, 1132, 11, 1312, 5, 1372, 3, 139
No, the only even prime number is 2.
753 x 5 = 3765