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Eight, the sum of these two numbers, is a positive number. The only way these two specific numbers could combine to create a positive number would be if they were both negative, if seven was negative or if they were multiplied together and one was a negative number.

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Q: Is 7 plus 1 a positive or a negative?
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What is 7 plus negative 1?

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The sum of 7 and -8 is -1.

A negative plus a positive equels?

A negative or a positive! It depends on the question.EXAMPLES-7 + 3 = -4 ( a negative answer)-7 + 8 = 1 (a positive answer)IF you mean a negative times a positive, the answer is negative:-3 x 5 = -15

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Positive 4 -3 + 7= 4 Negative 3 plus positive 7 equals positive 4.

Does a negative plus a negative equal a negative?

Negative plus Negative would equal positive in Maths. like this: -7 + -8 = 1 Because you're adding a minus It Will Not Equal a Positive it will Equal a Negative. -7+-8= -15. Because you are adding a negative to another negative. If the problem was -7+8= 1. Because you are taking seven out of that eight. If It were to be multiplication than a negative TIMES a negative would have been a positive(-8 x -7=56). And a negative TIMES a positive would be a negative (-8 x 7=-56).

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-7 + 15 - 8 = 0

Do a negative number minus a negive number equal positive or negative?

minus a negative is plus a positive so something like -6 - -7=1 because its the same as-6 + +7

Is a positive plus a negative a negative?

well it depends if the negative is bigger than the positive or viseversa. lets say you have -5+7 it would equal 2. if it was -7+5 it would equal -2. In short, a positive number plus a negative number is the same thing as a positive number minus another positive number. Example: 3 + (-2) = 1 3 - 2 = 1

What is a negative plus positive?

Both, for example -3 + 7=4 and -3 + 2=-1