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Q: Is 8.5 wbc normal
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Most numerous wbc's ina normal wbc differential?

neutrophis :)

What can you do if wbc count is 12500?

Normal WBC count is 4 to 11000. This count is high indicating infection So repeat the WBC count after one week

What is the normal range of WBC urine?

A WBC count is measured in a urinesediment, the normal range is 5-10 per field of vision (400x) in 10-20 μl urine.

Is 4.5 wbc count normal for a 4 yr old boy?

4 is normal

Is a white blood count of 11.5 - 12 normal?

A normal WBC is 4.5 to 11.0

What does it mean if your wbc 4.6 and your rdwsd 14.6?

both are normal

Is wbc count 7800 normal?

its slightly more then normal count and normal count is 6000 - 7000, but not to worry

What is the meaning of wbc morphology is unremarkable?

This phrase indicates that the white blood cell (WBC) appearance is within normal limits and does not show any abnormalities or significant changes. It suggests that the WBCs are of normal size, shape, and structure, which is typically a reassuring finding in medical test results.

Can a WBC be normal with strep throat?

That is a good question. WBC count should go up in bacterial infection, above 10,000 per cubic mm.

Do HIV patients have normal wbc count after 6 years from infection?

I would not think so. The virus would be tearing your immune system apart, and lower your wbc count in the process.

WBC in urine HPF?

That means you have an increase of white blood cells in your urine, it could mean you have an infection in your gential area, seek professional help.

How do you treat too many white blood cells?

Doctors usually treat an elevated WBC with antibiotic's. It is important for your doctor to find out why your WBC is higher than normal. Only your doctor can tll you why your count is higher than normal through blood tests. Your body generates more WBC's to fight infection, but it is very important to treat the underlying cause of the increased blood count.