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Q: Is 80 degrees Fahrenheit more comfortable or 80 degrees Celsius more comfortable for people?
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What degrees Fahrenheit is -85 Celsius?

-85 deg Celsius (not celcius) is -121 deg Fahrenheit (not farenheit). Both scales are named after people and so are capitalised.

Does Texas use Fahrenheit or Celsius?

Texas is in the US where Fahrenheit is used by most people for everyday use.

What scale is easier for people to use Fahrenheit or celsius?

Either - it all depends what you learnt when growing up, or have adapted to as you've grown older. The Fahrenheit scale is almost twice the size of the Celsius scale (between freezing and boiling on Celsius there are 100 degrees, but on the Fahrenheit there are 180 degrees) meaning that smaller temperature differences show up as a larger difference with the Fahrenheit scale than with the Celsius scale. They are just as easy as each other, though scientists prefer Kelvin which has the same unit differences as Celsius but starting with 0 K = -273.15oC (water freezes at 273.15 K and boils at 373.15 K). The Fahrenheit scale was originally intended to be 0oF = freezing point of brine, nominally 32oF = freezing point of water and 96oF = normal body temperature, but later scientists redefined the scale slightly so that water did freezer at exactly 32o F which made body temperature 98.4oF.

Is 78 degrees Fahrenheit hot or cold?

It is relative. Room temperature is usually considered to be between 70-72 degrees, so 78 degrees is warmer than room temperature. People from temperate or warm climates would likely consider 78 degrees to be perfectly comfortable while people from colder climates might find it a bit on the hot side (but may still enjoy it).

Is 15 degrees Celsius hot?

Hot for some, though not for most people.

Related questions

Which temperature would be the more comfortable for most people 80 Fahrenheit or 80 Celsius?

Most people would find 80 Fahrenheit more comfortable as it is equivalent to around 26.7 degrees Celsius, which is a moderate and comfortable temperature for many. 80 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 176 degrees Fahrenheit, which is extremely hot and uncomfortable for most people.

What is 23 Celsius?

23 degrees Celsius is roughly equivalent to 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is considered mild and comfortable for many people.

Which temperature would be more comfortable for most people 80 Fahrenheit or 80 celsius?

Most people would find 80 Fahrenheit more comfortable than 80 Celsius. 80 Fahrenheit is approximately 27 degrees Celsius, which is a more moderate and comfortable temperature for most individuals.

How hot is 23 Celsius?

23 degrees Celsius is considered a comfortable temperature for most people. It is equivalent to 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 20 degree Celsius?

20 degrees Celsius is a unit of measurement for temperature. It is equivalent to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

How cold is 3 degrees Fahrenheit?

3 degrees Fahrenheit is quite cold. It is below freezing temperature and well below the comfortable room temperature for most people.

Is 29 degree's celsius hot or cold?

29 degrees Celsius is generally considered warm. It is closer to room temperature (around 22 degrees Celsius) and may feel comfortable to most people.

How warm is 17 degrees Celsiuses?

17 degrees Celsius is generally considered a mild temperature. It is cooler than room temperature but still comfortable for many people.

Is 22.77 degrees C hot or cold?

22.77 degrees Celsius is considered a comfortable room temperature for many people. It is neither hot nor cold, but rather in the moderate range.

How warm is 17 degrees?

17 degrees Celsius = 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is the 20 Celsius is hot or cold?

20 degrees Celsius is considered to be a mild or moderate temperature. It is neither considered hot nor cold, but rather comfortable for many people.

How hot is 37 degrees?

37 degrees could be considered warm or even slightly above average depending on the context. In terms of Celsius, it would be comfortable for most people. In Fahrenheit, it would be mild to warm.