79 & 81, or any whole number from 1 to 79 with any whole number greater than 81.
Yes it is.
81.46 is a mixed number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 81.
Try doing the division, in this case, 81 / 3. If you get a whole number, it is; otherwise it isn't.
Whole numbers means no decimal places have to be represented and no fractions can be associated with it. so 80 is a whole number and the whole number before it is 79 and the whole number after it is 81
Whole Number : Set of counting numbers along with zero. i.e. W = {0,1,2,3...} Therefore, 81 is a whole number.
79 & 81, or any whole number from 1 to 79 with any whole number greater than 81.
Oh, dude, 81 divided by 9 is like, 9. So, as a whole number, it's just 9. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Math can be a walk in the park, you know?
Yes, -81 is an integer. An integer is a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero. In this case, -81 is a negative whole number, making it an integer.
81 = 3x3x3x3 = 3481 = 1,3,9,27,81
Yes it is.
An odd number is a whole number that can not be evenly divided by 2. 81 divided by 2 is 40.5 (which is not a whole number, because of the fraction of a number, .5) therefore, it is an odd number.
81 is a whole number whose simplest form is 81.
81.46 is a mixed number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 81.
The lowest whole number that goes into 35, 81, and 15 is one. There is no larger number.