It is not a perfect square which means that it will not divide evenly but the square root of 88 is 9.38083152
No 81 is (9 x 9) 100 is (10 x 10) 88 is not - at least not of a whole number Square root is 9.3808315 etc
It is not a perfect square which means that it will not divide evenly but the square root of 88 is 9.38083152
No 81 is (9 x 9) 100 is (10 x 10) 88 is not - at least not of a whole number Square root is 9.3808315 etc
Here are some facts:It is an even number.It is divisible by 1,2,4,8,11,22,44, and 88.It is a palindrome.Its square root is 9.380831519646...Its square is 7744...This number plus one (89) is a Fibonacci Number.
Since 88 factors to 23 x 11, it is not a perfect square, it is not a perfect cube, etc. Since the square root of 88 is approximately 9.38, you can say that 88 is close to 9.382.
88 square feet. Multiply the two dimensions - the result is the number of square feet.
88 square yards equates to 73.58 square meters.
88 square feet
The correct EXACT answer is sqrt(88)*iOR9.38083152i