No, 894 is even and obviously divisible by 2. Therefore, 894 is a composite number.
A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite. 894 is composite.
894/1 894 over 1
1000-1894=894 because first I taked the 894 away then I substarcted(1000-1000=0)so I bringed the 894 back then pop!!! its (894)
894 ÷ 6 = 149
cos(894 deg) = -0.9945, approx.
894 is a composite number.
A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite. 894 is composite.
1788, 2682, 3576, 4470, 5364, 6258, +894 . . .
It is 894.
There are 8 tens in 894. In the number 894, the digit 8 is in the tens place, which represents 8 groups of ten. Each group of ten represents a value of 10. Therefore, there are 8 tens in the number 894.
894/1 894 over 1
Eight hundred and ninety four
1000-1894=894 because first I taked the 894 away then I substarcted(1000-1000=0)so I bringed the 894 back then pop!!! its (894)
The value of 6 in 236,894 is 6,000 = six thousand
The phone number of the Mabton Library is: 509-894-4128.