If you're referring to computer memory - no. a Megabyte (mb) is smaller than a Terabyte (tb)
Mb 1024 *8 = 8 gb
Each 1 'mb' is the same as 1,000 'kb'. So 8 mb contains 8,000 kb. That's more than 139 kb
Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).
A terabyte is one trillion bytes (1012 = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes) in current standard usage. 1 terabyte (TB) = 1,000 gigabytes (GB) = 1,000,000 megabytes (MB) (There is a similar unit, the terabinary byte, or "tebibyte", which is 240 or 10244 = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes. However, this unit is never actually used, as hard drives are the only things that can hold this much, and they are always measured in powers of 10.)
Convert the megabytes to bits. 1 megabyte = 1024 x 1024 bytes; also, you have to multiply the result by 8 to convert to bits, since 1 byte = 8 bits. If you then divide by the bandwidth (786,000 bits/second), you get the time in seconds.
Well, 1000 MB = 1 GB, 8000 MB = 8 GB (more than both) You have 8 million MB, which is equivelant to: 8000 GB or 8 TB for short.
1TB = 1024 MB = 1048576 KB1 Byte = 8 bitsSo, 1Tb = 131072KB (divide by 8)
GB=1,000 MB and TB=1,000 GB
The breakdown of TB to MB and everything in between is the power of 1,000.
1 TB= 1024GB 1 GB= 1024 MB 1 MB= 1024 KB 1 KB= 1024 B TB = Tera Byte. MB = Mega Byte KB = Kilo Byte B = Byte So, 64 MB = 0.0624 GB or, 0.0624 GB = 64 MB Hope you've got your answer.
Terrabyte, gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, byte and bit.
1024 mb make one giga byte(GB) and 1024 makes 1 terabyte(TB) hence ur tb would be 2055/1024*1024 = .002 tb approx http://www.heightz.blogspot.com
TB (terabyte) is larger than GB (gigabyte)
The smallest is bytes, then kb, then mb, then gb, and then the biggest is tb.