Odd and a multiple of three- 999
No 999,990 is not an odd number
999 EDIT Wrong. It has to have three digits, so it's in the range between 100 and 999. The lowest one is 100, but it's an even number, so the next one is 101, which is an odd one.
An even number can be divided by 2 evenly. An odd number will have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. 999 is an odd number.
Odd and a multiple of three- 999
999 What is even odd? 3 digit odd numbers 101,103,105...999 so count them = 450 3 digit even numbers 100,102,104...998 so count them = 450
The LEAST even number BETWEEN 550 and 1000 is 552. The GREATEST odd number BETWEEN 550 and 1000 is 999 The sum of 552 and 999 is 1551.
999 is the greatest 3 digit number and it is odd because it ends with a 9.
No 999,990 is not an odd number
The largest 3-digit odd number is 999.
The answer is 999.
999 EDIT Wrong. It has to have three digits, so it's in the range between 100 and 999. The lowest one is 100, but it's an even number, so the next one is 101, which is an odd one.
The answer must have an even number and an odd number, because if you add two odd numbers, the sum would be even. Therefore, the first answer is the only prime even number: 2. 2 + 997 is 999, so the other answer would be 997. 997+2 (!?!) 997+2 (!?!) 2 and 997