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Africa is in the Eastern part of Africa

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Q: Is Africa mostly in the western or eastern hemisphere?
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Is Mauritania in the western hemisphere?

Yes. Western Sahara is technically in the Western hemisphere. However, it sits rather close to the Prime Meridian and is part of the African Continent which is mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Is Africa mostly shown in the western hemisphere or in the eastern hemisphere?

Africa is predominantly located in the eastern hemisphere. The continent is situated on both the equator and the prime meridian, with the majority of its landmass lying east of the Greenwich Meridian.

Continents that are mostly in the eastern hemisphere?

Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia are continents that are mostly in the eastern hemisphere.

Which four continents are entirely or mostly in the eastern hemisphere?

The four continents that are entirely or mostly in the eastern hemisphere are Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia.

Is antarctica mostly in the eastern hemisphere?

Antarctica is in the centre of the Southern Hemisphere, and is half in each of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

What is the hemisphere of Africa?

eastern hemisphere mostly but; northern hemisphere has about 2 thirds of it and southern hemisphere has about 1 third.

Which two continents show up in partially in both the Eastern and western hemisphere?

The two continents that show up partially in both the eastern and western hemispheres is Africa and Antarctica. Europe also shows up in both hemispheres.

Name the continents or partial continents that are located in each hemisphere?

North America is located in the Northern Hemisphere and South America is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Europe and Asia are in the Eastern Hemisphere, while Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere and Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere. Africa is mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere, with a small portion crossing into the Western Hemisphere.

What hemisphere is Alaska?

Alsaka is completely in the northern hemisphere, and it's also mostly in the western hemisphere and partly in the eastern one..

Which hemisphere is larger te eastern or western?

hemisphere means half of a sphere. since the earth is rounded or sphere like, it is divided into 2 hemispheres namely the eastern and western. western hemisphere includes North and South American and some of Europe and Africa. Eastern Hemisphere includes mostly Asian countries and Australia.

Which hemispheres is each continent located in?

North America: Northern and Western Hemispheres South America: Southern and Western Hemispheres Europe: Northern and Eastern Hemispheres Africa: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres Asia: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres Australia: Southern and Eastern Hemispheres Antarctica: Southern Hemisphere

Zandrea said that Africa was mostly in the eastern hemisphere. is she correct why or why not?
