

Is France bigger than Chile

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Is France bigger than Chile
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Chile (756,096 km2) is8.96 times bigger than the island of Ireland (84,421 km2)10.76 times bigger than the Republic of Ireland (70,273 km2)

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In land mass, France is much bigger than Ireland.

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Chile at over 292,183 square miles is much larger than California at 163,696 square miles.

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Yes, Mongolia is much bigger than France. It is about 603,909 square miles, while France is about 246,201 square miles.

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France is larger than Ireland

Is France bigger than italy?

Yes, France is bigger than Italy in terms of square miles. It is also bigger than Spain as well.

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There are several valleys in Chile. Some are bigger than others. Three are the Lutha, Codpa, and Azapa Valleys.

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No, France is around 4 times bigger than Kenya in terms of land area. France covers approximately 551,695 square kilometers, while Kenya covers around 580,367 square kilometers.

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