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Q: Is GCE AL equvalent to the US 12th Grade?
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What is GCE AL?

It's a competitive exam between clevers & clevers,which should be faced with intelligence and logic more than the knowledge. Daily practice is essential!

Who was a famous 12th century philosopher?

One famous 12th century philosopher was Bernard of Clairvaux, a French abbot and theologian known for his writings on spirituality and mysticism. He was a prominent figure in the Catholic Church during the 12th century and played a significant role in shaping medieval religious thought.

What occasion in islam is celebrated as eid?

Two main occasions:Id al Fitr: first day after end of the month of Ramadan (9th month in Islamic calendar)Id Al Adha: the 9th through the 12th or 13th of ZU Elhegga (12th month in the Islamic calendar)

How long does Eid al-adha last?

Traditionally, Eid al-Adha lasts from the 10th of Dhul Hijjah to the 13th. The takbir is recited from the Maghrib prayer on the 9th to the Asr prayer on the 12th.

When was the Eid al-Adha muslim holiday?

it is on the 9th through the 13th of the month of ZuElhejja (the 12th month in Islamic lunar calendar)

What age did the prophet mohamed die?

The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) died in 632, shortly after returning from his pilgrimage.

Where did Al-Jazari live?

Al-Jazari lived in what is now modern-day Turkey, in the region of Diyarbakir. He was a polymath and engineer who lived during the Islamic Golden Age in the 12th century.

What date is eid?

There are two eids: # Eid Al-Fitr on the first day after end of Ramadan month.(the 9th month of Islamic Lunar Calendar or called Hijra Calender) # Eid Al-Adha on the 9th through 12th days of Zul-Hijja (the 12th month of Islamic Lunar Calendar or called Hijra Calender)

What is hindu arabic system and roman system?

They originated in India in the 6th or 7th century and were introduced to Europe through the writings of Middle Eastern mathematicians, especially al-Khwarizmi and al-Kindi, about the 12th century.

How many times does Allah swear by time?

It is many times. Recite Sura Al-Asr 12th from the last in the last Para- 30.

When does 12th of February fall in the Islamic calendar?

12th of February 2012 will be 19th Rabi' al-Awwal 1433 in the Islamic calendar. However it should be noted that the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar and the exact dates will change year to year.

When was the date of Muhammad's death?

Death date of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is Monday, 12th Rabi' al-Awwal, 11AH or June 8, 632