For you, bad. For the government, HECK YAH ITS GOOD!!!! If you are talking about the tax thingy.
bad-they molest your pet good - they treat him/her good
In mathematics it is neither bad nor good. Elsewhere, it is taken to be good.
good: usful for time managments BAD: uses battery
Stressed is bad, but desserts are good.
all taxes are bad.. just ask robin hood
1975 - 1982 Was The Build Date Of The HST
the hst is in space....
Is hst included in mileage reimbursement
6 pm EST is 1 pm HST. Hawaii Standard Time (HST) is 5 hours behind Eastern Standard Time (EST).
The HST was only launched once, in 1990 .
difference between Range Rover HSE / HST
No, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is currently experiencing technical difficulties after a problem with its payload computer. NASA is working to resolve the issue and bring HST back online.
Yes, it is.
It is 13%
HST paid goes on the credit side or expenses on the balance sheet