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An IQ of 112 is above average for anybody.

IQ is not dependent on age it is a Quotient (that s where the Q comes from) and in the formula for calculationg IQ, the age is a factor so a 9 year old with an IQ if 112 probably knows a lot less (is dumber) than a 26 year old with an IQ of 83.

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Q: Is IQ of 112 good for 9 year old?
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The average IQ is around 100 so it is above average.

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IQ does not change with age. 100 is supposedly the average so 112 is fine.

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Yes, that score is above average.

Is 112 a good IQ score for a twenty year old?

Yes, your score is above average.

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Yes that is an average IQ for a high schooler who is going to college and expects to do well

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An IQ score of 112 for a 13 year old would be considered above average or slightly above average. It suggests that the individual possesses good cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills compared to others in their age group.

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Yes, that is a solid score and just above average. A person with an IQ between 90 and 110 is considered average.

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The average IQ is supposed to be 100 +/-15. so an IQ of 112 means the person is at the upper end of the normal range.

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Is a 112 IQ score good for an 8 year old?

Yes, that's good. Anything over 100 means that you are smarter than the average person.

Is a 112 IQ average for a 19 year old female?

Yes, an IQ score of 112 is slightly above average for a 19-year-old female. Average IQ scores fall within the range of 90-110, so a score of 112 indicates above-average intelligence. However, IQ scores should not be the sole measure of a person's abilities or potential.

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An IQ of 124 is a good IQ.