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When cell phones first came out... sure, but today.... no.

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Q: Is It bad to use your cellphone everyday?
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How its bad to study if use cellphone?

because if a student is studying his or her lesson using cellphone it might distracted /it can also damage your eyes

Why is it that it is not good for children to use cellphone?

well some kids are mature and dont do anything bad with their cellphone but I think its all about trust, do you trust them on using there phones for good choices or bad?

How do you use habit a sentence?

it is a bad habit that if you don't bruch everyday

How cellphone use?

what? you bought a cellphone yet you don't know its use?! Trash you! #trollface

How do you avoid bad odor?

by taking showers or baths everyday and use perfume or deodorant

Why is Driving when on a cellphone bad?

Yes it is it impairs your vision and distracts you.

What are the bad effects of cellphone?

that make u have big ears

How do you use a cellphone?

By using it

Is it bad to poke holes in cellphone batteries?

yes, they could explode

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Is the president allowed to use a cellphone?

Presidents were not allowed to use a cellphone until President Obama took office. He is the first President to keep and use his smartphone.

How do you use the cellphone in Poptropica?

i finished nabooti a while ago but i was just on poptropica and i was looking through my items and i found the cellphone. i clicked use and dialed 911. then the cellphone went away and i had a police officer uniform on!!