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It is normally higher than the US prime interest rate.

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Q: Is LIBOR normally higher or lower than the US prime interest rate?
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If you are receiving interest on an assett, a higher interest is better. If you are paying interest on a debit, a lower interest is better.

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Well normally it depends on how much people buy them.

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Typical interest rate for a commercial mortgage is 13% compared to a scope of 1-3% interest rate on a residental mortgage. Also it is very hard to obtain a commercial mortgage less than 100,000$. In the bottom line, one can conclude that commercial mortgage are normally higher than residental.

Why is the libor always higher than the libid?

Libor is London Inter-bank Offer Rate and Libid is London Inter-bank Bid Rate. Libor is always higher than Libid. If banks use Libor to lend (ask) and Libid to buy (bid) how come that while one bank expects to get a higher rate while lending hope to get a lower rate while borrowing? While one bank buys the other sells; while it is a bid rate to one it is offer rate to the other! How is it that this market function? Is it because the bid rate is expected to decrease within a day and the offer rate expected to increase simultaneously to keep-up with the margins in the inter-bank market?

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Interest is much higher.

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Bad credit pearonsl loans normally carry a higher rate of interest. This is because of the higher risk potential in such loans. One may also be overcharged on this account. The borrowers are asked to pay a hefty charge and have to face some inflexible terms of payment. Nevertheless, there are lenders who charge reasonably lower rates of interest

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Higher interest rates mean that the demand for cars have increased, due to an increase in consumer demand. Lower interest rates mean that there is a lower demand and the FOMC is lowering the rates to increase consumer demand. Lower rates, however could also increase the demand for cars. This is why the Feds have to higher the interest rates, to ensure that the supply and demand are at an equilibrium point.

What is the pH of blood and why?

Normally 7.4 which is neutral. Lower would be an Acidosis Higher would be an alkalosis