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Sodium, Na, is a group 1 element and generally holds a +1 charge.

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Q: Is Na plus negative or positive ion?
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What is positive ion and negative ion in NACl?

Na is positive ion,Cl is negative ion

Is Na plus positive or negative?

positive (+ is always positive) This means it's an ion, because it's lacking one valence electron

Are NaCl ionic?

Yes it is. Na is positive ion and Cl is negative ion.

What is a positive sodium ion and a negative chloride ion?

Sodium chloride is very useful. Sodium ion is the positive ion.

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What does anion cation mean?

Anion is a negative ion (Cl-) and cation is a positive ion (Na+).

What is the symbol of the sodium Na plus?

The symbol for the sodium ion (Na+) is the same as the symbol for sodium, which is Na. The plus sign indicates that the sodium ion has a positive charge due to the loss of an electron.

Distinguish between a cation and a anion?

A cation is a positive ion (as Na+). An anion is a negative ion (as Cl-).

What is an attraction between a positive ion and a negative ion?

they will attract if they have equal and opposite charges, such as Na and Cl

Is salt a salt?

Yes. Salt contains the positive ion Na+ and the negative ion Cl-. That means it is a salt.

Positive and negative ions for sodium nitrate?

Positive ion: sodium (Na+) Negative ion: nitrate (NO3-)

When an ionic molecule dissolves in water what does the water molecule do?

Surrounds the ions with the hydrogen, positive end, attracted to the negative ion ( Cl -, for instance ) and the oxygen, negative end, attracted to the positive ion ( Na +, for instance ).