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Q: Is Precision is related to the uncertainty in a measurement true or false?
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Precision is a measure of how close a result or measurement is to the accepted value of the quantity being measured?


Precision is a measure of how close an answer is to the actual or expected true or false?


Why when you make measurements should the answer only have the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the fewest significant figures?

When performing calculations with measurements, it is important to maintain the same level of precision as the least precise measurement to avoid introducing false accuracy. Using more significant figures in the final result than what was present in the original measurements can lead to misleadingly precise results. Therefore, limiting the number of significant figures in the final answer prevents suggesting a level of precision that was not actually present in the original data.

True or false Precision is a measure of how close an answer is to the actual or expected value?


Is the following sentence true or false to decide whether a measurement has good precisions or poor precisions the measurement must be made more than once?

True. In order to determine the precision of a measurement, it must be repeated multiple times. This helps to calculate the variability in the measurements and ascertain the consistency and reliability of the results.

Precision is a measure of how close an answer is to the actual or expected?


Significant digits are the number of digits that reflect the precision of a measurement or number True or false?

false.!!!I would have to disagree with this answer!! The member did not explain themselves!! I would have to say the answer is "TRUE"!!! Any feedback on this topic? Anyone care to respond, have discussion?I am also sure that the answer is true; see the link bellow.

Accuracy is a measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations true or false?

False, that's precision.

True Or False Decibel is a measurement of the amount of pollution?

False. Decibel is a unit of measurement used to express the intensity of sound, not pollution. It measures the level of sound pressure. Pollution is typically measured in terms of air quality indices, concentration of pollutants, or other specific measurements depending on the type of pollution being measured.

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