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Q: Is Probability the chance that something will or will not happen?
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Probability is the chance that something will or will not happen?

Usually, probability is the chance that something will happen; but it can be will not happen as well.

What is the mathematical chance that something will happen?

Its probability.

What is the word given to the chance of something will or will not happen?


What do you call the mathematical chance that something will happen?


Probability is the chance that something will or will not happen true or false?


What is the definition of or in a probability?

My answer for probability Probability is the chance that something will happen - how likely it is that some event will happen. Sometimes you can measure a probability with a number: "10% chance of rain", or you can use words such as impossible, unlikely, possible, even chance, likely and certain. Example: "It is unlikely to rain tomorrow".

Which best describes probability?

the likelihood that something will happen

Is probability a noun?

Yes, the word 'probability' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for the chance that something will happen; something that has a chance of happening; a measure of how often a particular event will happen; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.

Probability is the what that something will or will not happen?

Probability is the chances of something happening. For example the coin.... Its probability is 50:50 for the simple reason the outcome is either heads or tails. It also can be written in many ways... Such as 50:50, 50/5, or 50%Probability is the odds (chance) that something will or will not happen.

What is the mathematical term for the chance that an event will happen?

Chance means estimation or probably.... It is an estimation of something with the mathematical term!!

What help determine the chance that something will occur?

Probability is a field of mathematics that helps determine the likelihood of something happening.

What is the sum of probability that something will happen and the probability that something will NOT happen?

The sum is 1