I believe he is not that tall. That is just how tall his character in the Twilight Saga, Jacob, is. Jacob is only 6'7 because he is a wolf.
6 feet 8 inches is 80 inches.
4 feet and 6 inches.......(how do you answer that)
72 inches= 6 feet.
15 feet 6 inches
2 feet 6 inches = 30 inches
Kristen Stewart is 5 ft 4 in.
Taylor Lautner has been with 6 girls
1. Barack Obama 2.Christiano Ronaldo 3.Gaddaffi 4.Banki Moon 5.beyonce 6.Lionel Messi 7.Pastor Adeboye 8.Queen Elizabeth 9.Lady gaga 10.Osama Bi laden
Taylor Lautner has an 8 pack and is very hot.
Yes, he does.
Taylor Lautner began doing karate when he was 6 years old.
Taylor Lautner began studying karate at the age of six years old!!!
John Mayer is 6 feet 3 inches.
ages 6-13
6 million dollars per movie
6 girls up to 2011