SQUARE thats right lol
the answer is the biggest number of all the group thats the right answer im a teacher
Then your just proven wrong thats all. A hypothesis is not meant to be exactly right. Its more of a chance thing. if its right then your right, if its wrong then its back to the drawing board
> < % $ # ^ & * + = and thats all i can do :))) ( heehee)
In my experience there are no impolite numbers
I got your impolite expression right here.
Im (which means 'not')
Rude is a synonym for impolite.
Liam is acting very impolite today, which is unlike him,' said the teacher.
Because thats in style right know!
SQUARE thats right lol
If you are discourteous and impolite you are rude.
Impolite has three syllables.
being too baked to care can be impolite
all, every.. thats all I can think of right off top of my head...
The word IMPOLITE has a prefix, because of im-.
The boy was very impolite to his mother.