The first name of Tim is a rather common name in the U.S. There are 165,590 people with this name as of 2014.
Tim Murphy is his name.
That depends on what gender. For a boy, Alex is a somewhat common name. For a girl, Alex is a less common name. Overall, Alex is one of the more common names given.
Very common.
Well, I for one, have the middle name Taylor, not very common, but a good one. The most common is probably, Lynn. If not, then Nichole or Marie
10^29 plus 10^12. The more common name for 10^12 is a trillion. There is no common name for 10^29.
No, the name 'Tim Gray' is a proper noun, the name of a specific person (real or fictional).A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.A proper noun is always capitalized.A common noun is a general word for any person, place, or thing.A common noun is capitalized only when it's the first word in a sentence.Examples of common nouns for the proper noun 'Tim Gray' are person, boy, man, etc.
The Hawaiian name for Tim is "Kimo."
Tim Rykert's birth name is Reichert, Tim.
Tim Drury's birth name is Tim M. Drury.
Tim Boughn's birth name is Tim Wentworth Boughn.
Tim Tebow's middle name is Richard.
because its tim! close to tim bartones name(:
Tim Burton's full birth name is Timothy William Burton.
Tim William Burton is his full name.
Tim William Burton is his full name.
Tim McCoy was an actor from Michigan who starred in western movies. Tim McCoy's horse's name was "Pal", and he was a white horse.
Tim Ralfe's birth name is Robert Arnot Ralfe.